On a writ of certiorari to the Colorado Supreme Court, the U. S. Supreme Court will likely decide whether former President Donald Trump (Trump) is disqualified under the Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3 (Section Three) from running in the 2024 general election for engaging in insurrection on January 6, 2021. A key argument against disqualification attacks [...]


Author’s Note: The publication of this piece coincidentally aligns with the initiation of a direct military response by the US and UK against the Houthis in Yemen overnight on 12 January 2023. Rather than update the piece, we have decided to publish it as-is. Everything below still stands – the Yemeni people deserve a considered, [...]


On January 1 of this year, amendments to the Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China (CPL) entered into effect, representing the nation’s proactive approach to refining its legal system and fostering a more credible international judiciary. Though more work remains to be done, these amendments reflect China’s commitment to aligning with global [...]


So you decided to vacation in the Afghan province of Herat. Who, you may be asking, would voluntarily spend their holidays in Taliban territory? But I ask that you suspend your disbelief and entertain the notion on this choose-your-own adventure journey. You packed your bags and you headed to the airport. The flight goes smoothly, [...]


During every execution in the United States, Death Penalty Action* holds a virtual vigil simultaneously with local death penalty abolitionists protesting outside the prisons and state capitals or governor’s mansions where the state-sponsored killing is taking place. When these gatherings are in person, those in attendance toll the same massive bell at the time the [...]


Every December 10th, international lawyers, governments, and advocacy groups commemorate Human Rights Day. This marks the day in 1948 when, improbably, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in Paris by a nascent United Nations General Assembly under the leadership of Eleanor Roosevelt. This year, as the Declaration turned 75, I found myself in [...]


Time is of the essence when it comes to creating a court or tribunal dedicated to adjudicating Russian aggression against Ukraine. And while much consideration has already been given to the creation of a UN General Assembly-backed tribunal, the preferred option in my opinion, I would suggest the time has come to expand our consideration [...]


“The Safety of the People shall be the Highest Law.” Cicero Eschatology is about certain end-of-life expectations, about “last or final judgments, about death, about God’s judgment and the human “soul.” But what possible connections could link such metaphysical or religious expectations with Israel’s current struggle against jihadist terror? Are there any pertinent legal connections? [...]