Candace Stockey : "This week, I, along with our fearless leader, Elizabeth Seitz (Pitt Law 3L), and Andrew Wood (Pitt Law 1L), volunteered at New Orleans Legal Assistance (NOLAC), a non-profit...
Kevin Baum and Ricardo Alvarado : "The Pro Bono Project's (PBP) mission is to provide free quality civil legal services to the poor by engaging volunteer attorneys to provide...
Tahira Bland : "Anne Bryson, Gina Mosley, and I have been assigned to a non-profit law firm, the Justice Center. The primary focus of the Justice Center is to provide indigent...
Frank Swaney : "Forgotten largely by national media coverage and private donations, the Mississippi Gulf Coast represents the area hardest hit by Hurricane Katrina. The Mississippi Center for Justice therefore has...
Gordon Goldsmith : "Greetings from the Bayou and the ACORN team, consisting of Hannah Burke, Gordon Goldsmith, Robert Lionel Hawkins, Marni Richman and Pete Vitelli, all 2L and 3L law students...
Elizabeth Seitz : "The Student Hurricane Network (SHN) is a national association of law students dedicated to providing long-term assistance to communities impacted by Hurricane Katrina ( In December, SHN facilitated...
Jordan Paust : "A DOJ filing in the lawsuit against Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld concerning detainee abuse attempts to defend torture, cruel treatment, inhuman treatment, degrading treatment, and humilitaring treatment of detainees expressly authorized by Secretary...
Brian J. Foley : "Why should Congress revise FISA to give the executive more power to spy? The main argument that AG Gonzales seemed to raise at the February 6 hearing was that it is too...
Anthony D'Amato : "Lawyers in Denmark should investigate their criminal law of attempt, incitement to murder, conspiracy to murder, and procuring murder. If any of these are available under Danish law, then there would be no...
Jordan Paust : "Vice President Cheney has stated that he has the "power" to declassify classified material, but did he exercise that power before granting others the power to leak classified information? Richard Nixon learned that...