Professor Bernard Hibbitts // University of Pittsburgh School of Law

In 1996, when Professor Bernard Hibbitts first established JURIST, few could have foreseen the impact the project would have. Whether measured in terms of the individual lives it has touched, its global reach, or the impressions it has left on the landscape of online legal news coverage, JURIST’s role cannot be overstated. What began as [...]


“Science, by which I mean the entire body of knowledge about things, whether corporeal or spiritual, is as much a work of imagination as it is of observation… The latter is not possible without the former.” Jose Ortega y’ Gasset, Man and Crisis (1958)  For now, the fall of Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria has [...]


In 1996, when Professor Bernard Hibbitts first established JURIST, few could have foreseen the impact the project would have. Whether measured in terms of the individual lives it has touched, its global reach, or the impressions it has left on the landscape of online legal news coverage, JURIST’s role cannot be overstated. What began as [...]


Note: This is part three of a three-part series on the proposed handover of the Chagos Archipelago from the UK to Mauritius.  Part one — Why the Proposed UK-Mauritius Handover Would Be a Strategic Blow to Western Security — can be found here.  Part two — Why the Proposed UK-Mauritius Handover Is Not Required by [...]


In recent years, the plight of Ukraine has become a focal point in the global struggle for democracy and freedom. As the Ukrainian people continue to endure relentless aggression from Russia, it is crucial for the world community to recognize the significant stakes involved in this conflict. The shadows of past failures, like those witnessed [...]


In 1996, when Professor Bernard Hibbitts first established JURIST, few could have foreseen the impact the project would have. Whether measured in terms of the individual lives it has touched, its global reach, or the impressions it has left on the landscape of online legal news coverage, JURIST’s role cannot be overstated. What began as [...]


This year, the world commemorates the 80th anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Charter — arguably one of the most significant milestones in modern history. The Charter established a legal framework for a new world order, codifying the principles of international law to govern relations among nations. As its preamble declares, the Charter’s [...]

BJH Festschrift 1

In 1996, when Professor Bernard Hibbitts first established JURIST, few could have foreseen the impact the project would have. Whether measured in terms of the individual lives it has touched, its global reach, or the impressions it has left on the landscape of online legal news coverage, JURIST’s role cannot be overstated. What began as [...]


Though the fall of Syria’s Assad would appear gainful for Israel prima facie, a potential nuclear threat from Iran not only remains, but is plausibly greater than before. One reason for such a counter-intuitive suggestion is that Tehran is now more likely to feel “cornered” in certain crisis circumstances (both foreseeable and unforeseeable) and to [...]


On December 1, President Joseph Biden announced a pardon for his son, Hunter Biden, on charges of gun and tax violations, reversing his pledge not to pardon him if convicted. In his statement, the president wrote: Today, I signed a pardon for my son Hunter … The charges in his cases came about only after [...]