Pascale Duparc Portier : "As expected, French President Jacques Chirac delivered a much-awaited televised public address on the First Employment Contract (contrat premiere embauche, CPE) last night, Friday, 31 March 2006. He formally...
Pascale Duparc Portier : "The French Constitutional Council has now ruled on the constitutionality of Article 8 of the Statute on the Equality of Opportunities (Loi pour l'egalite des chances) dealing with the...
Welcome to JURIST's Hotline, where you can publish your insights on legal news as it happens.We've designed this service to do two things: to give lawyers, law professors, policy experts, and people caught up in legal events a platform where...
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Julian Ku, Hofstra University School of Law: "David Brooks defends Bolton's nomination today on very straightforward grounds: Bolton is opposed to creeping global governance in the form of the ICC and a strong U.N. Here's an excerpt:They know we're not...
Podgor :"We posted here that Martha Stewart's attorneys had filed to reduce her sentence in light of the Booker decision. CNN reports today that the district court will not be reducing Stewart's sentence. As such...
Michael Froomkin, University of Miami School of Law:"I am very reluctantly coming to believe that there's about a 50% chance that a senior administration official will face a war crime trial either for ordering or condoning torture, or for the...
Anthony D'Amato, Northwestern University School of Law:"Although I have been very critical of the President, I write to report how thrilled I was to hear his second-term acceptance speech. He may not have written it, but he ratified it and...
Jack Balkin, Yale Law School:"I liked Bush's second inaugural address, which argued for the cause of freedom around the world, very much. I also liked his first inaugural address, which sounded very moderate, spoke of justice, tolerance, and aid to...