Anthony D'Amato : "Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff is US UN Ambassador John Bolton dressed up in sheep's clothing and wearing velvet gloves. He is no friend of internationalization, international law, or human rights.His main point...
Philip Rosenthal : "Today, 14 November 2006, the National Assembly debated and voted to pass the Civil Union Bill. The Bill is an insult to marriage and a trashing of democracy. It will open the door...
Giovanni Di Stefano : "Below are the names of those Iraq detainees who are subject to a 2004 agreement between the UK/Italy and the Iraqi government witnessed by the US Government that whilst capital punishment can be...
Jonathan Hafetz : "Attorneys today asked the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the United States from transferring Mohammed Munaf, a American citizen, to the custody of the Iraqi government. Mr. Munaf has been...
Giovanni Di Stefano : "Although Saddam Hussein CAN be sentenced to death the sentence CANNOT be carried out owing to an agreement between the UK/ITALY and the IRAQI Government witnessed by the US in 2004 which the...
Ben Davis : "Lawyers for Jose Padilla recently (October 4) filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida a Motion to Dismiss for Outrageous Government Conduct . The motion recites,...
Ben Davis : "There's an old adage in the military that goes "different spanks for different ranks" (see James W. Smith III, "A Few Good Scapegoats: The Abu Ghraib Courts-Martial and the Failure of the...
Ben Davis : "Back in 1994 when the US ratified the Convention Against Torture and Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment ("CAT") it included reservations, understanding, and declarations ("RUD's) as regards the prohibitions against cruel, inhuman...
Ben Davis : "Alberto Gonzales has said that one of the reasons the Administration departed from the Geneva Conventions in early 2002 was to provide more "flexibility" to the President. This week, some of the...
Ben Davis : "The President in his televised press conference today framed the discussion of the draft bill on Military Commissions in terms of whether Congress was going to permit "the Program" to go forward....