JURIST Guest Columnist Larry Catá Backer, of Pennsylvania State University discusses consequences of President elect Trump's rejection of the TTP ... The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and its European twin, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), mean to provide...
JURIST Guest Columnist Kathryn L. Tucker Executive Director of End of Life Liberty Project (ELLP) discusses the Death with Dignity Act adopted by DC... The Death with Dignity Act adopted by the DC City Council in November 2016, establishes statutory...
JURIST Guest Columnist Jeffrey L. Kirchmeier of CUNY School of Law discusses the death penalty and the 2016 election...Commentators will be debating the causes and impact of the outcome of the November 8, 2016 US presidential election for a long...
JURIST Guest Columnist Dr. Leonard Cutler and Shelby Davis of Siena College discuss the failed attempts by President Obama to close the Guantanamo prison As Barack Obama's presidency comes to a close, the fate of Guantanamo prison remains unclear. Despite...
JURIST Guest Columnist Mark Latham of Vermont Law School discusses the Flint water crisis... The Flint residents poisoned by lead-contaminated drinking water were not harmed as a result of some sudden, unexpected natural disaster that left behind in its aftermath...