Students in our National Security Law course quickly learn that this area of the law is governed primarily by abstract constitutional rules, specific statutory grants of authority, and relatively little useful caselaw. Indeed, perhaps in no other area of the law has the Supreme Court deferred so explicitly to the perceived advantages and competence of [...]


“The lockdown is a huge downside for victims exposed relentlessly to their abusers.” -Sanya Talwar It has been said that extenuation for violence will never end. Women have always been the worst sufferers of violence. Disasters, economic crises, and wars have all proven to be more fateful for women than men and exacerbate gender inequality. [...]


The Indian Constitution is not merely a static document containing a set of rules or laws through which the state governs its people, it is much more. The constitution is a dynamic phenomenon, ever-evolving in its contours, which was born with a task of protecting individuals who have been subordinated by the society in innumerable [...]


“It is my aspiration that health finally will be seen not as a blessing to be wished for, but as a human right to be fought for.” -United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan Human rights are defined as those rights which are inherently possessed by a human being. The principal contemporary articulation of human rights, the [...]


As pressure mounts on state and national leaders to begin reopening the American economy, there are growing questions over whether the government could force citizens to enroll in a digital contact tracing (DCT) program to expedite the identification and isolation of cases of COVID-19. While the legal avenue for such a program is clearer at [...]


Dawn Raids refer to various surprise search and seizure activities conducted by Antitrust Agencies in order to catch suspects off guard. Dawn raids are inherently intrusive in nature and therefore conducted sparingly to unearth the evidence to establish an anti-competitive practice. Section 41 of the Competition Act, read with Section 220 of the Companies Act, [...]


In just a few weeks, COVID-19 has overwhelmed the world and drastically changed our lives. Arvind Suresh, a medical student and Albert Schweitzer Fellow, has begun to research the impact that “stay at home” orders and social distancing have on communities with longstanding challenges with food insecurity. For the vast majority of us, only grocery [...]