4,017,208 dead; 11,727,541 battling death. The above figures only begin to demonstrate the horrific reality and intolerable burden posed to the world at present due to Covid-19. The pandemic is more than just a health crisis, it is also a test of how effective international courts are when it comes to dealing with such unprecedented [...]
Climate change is recognized as “the common concern of humanity.” On June 28, 2021, the European Council enacted a climate change law to reduce greenhouse gases emissions by 55% by 2030 – from 1990 levels – and to accomplish a net zero-emissions economy by 2050. Despite the legal enshrinement of net-zero and emission targets, the [...]
On June 23, 2021, the Meghalaya High Court (HC) ruled in the case of Registrar General, HC of Meghalaya v. State of Meghalaya that “The mandatory or forced vaccinations violate the individuals’ fundamental rights guaranteed under Article 21.” The court elucidated that a coercive policy of vaccination has no force in law and should be declared [...]
In Carpenter v. the United States, the Supreme Court of the United States acknowledged how digital data could provide intrusive details in one click and change the legal definition of privacy forever. The way a common man uses the internet without diving into complexes of his staked rights puts him in jeopardy. Recently, Intermediary Guidelines [...]
The controversy surrounding the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 seems to have taken a global stage. WhatsApp, a California-based Facebook unit and also the most widely used social messaging platform in India, has filed a legal complaint in Delhi High Court against the Indian government seeking to block the [...]
After successfully flattening the curve in late 2020, India witnessed a horrific resurgence of cases. Many attributed this to the “policy casualness” of the government of India, and the lack of effective measures taken by it to ensure social distancing and the wearing of masks. As restrictions were lifted, sights of holiday-goers reaching jam-packed airports [...]

During the last few weeks, the whole world closely followed what is happening in Jerusalem; neighborhoods like Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan started to be mentioned frequently in the international media and the stories of Palestinian families’ displacement started to get more attention around the world. Also, court hearings and court appeals started to be part [...]
In its order dated March 22, 2021, the Securities Appellate Tribunal (“SAT”), as a huge precedent, significantly raised the threshold concerning unpublished price sensitive information (“UPSI”) in the WhatsApp leak case. Setting aside the previous penalizing three orders – 1, 2 and 3 of the Adjudicating Officer (“AO”) of the Securities Exchange Board of India [...]