On December 9, 2020 argument is scheduled for Collins v. Mnuchin at the Supreme Court. The case originated in the Fifth Circuit and the Court of Appeals issued an en banc opinion on September 6, 2019. The primary questions before the Court are whether the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s structure violates the separation of powers and [...]

(c) Wikimedia Commons (The White House/Shealah) Craighead

In the present confirmation hearings, I would like someone to ask Judge Barrett a question left unanswered by Justice Scalia, her mentor: 1. What influence does the fact that many of the founders and framers were slave owners have on your originalist views? And then I would like to ask a follow-up: 2. What is [...]

(c) Wikimedia Commons (FloNight)

Breonna Taylor’s killing is not only a tragedy, but a great injustice. The Kentucky Attorney General, despite having the power to contribute to repairing this unconscionable wrong, has failed. The Kentucky attorney general announced that no criminal charges will be filed for Breonna Taylor’s death against the individual officers who were responsible. Beyond the failure [...]


Another day, another mass primal scream of “Oh, what fresh hell is this?” as PA Bar examinees are faced with more callousness, indifference, and willful ignorance on the part of the PA Board of Law Examiners (PABOLE). PA bar applicants are in the middle of month 6 of studying for an exam that was supposed [...]


Please scream inside your hearts. This request by a Japanese theme park to its visitors has become the mantra of 2020. COVID-19 pandemic, lockdowns across the globe, earthquakes, historic wildfires, civil unrest, NASA prediction of an asteroid the day before Election Day, presidential candidate bitten by a bat, tarantulas and locusts, murder hornets, aggressive rats, [...]


After postings on several listservs many of the pieces written here on JURIST and other seemingly relevant information for legal education, one of us was contacted by the listserv administrators of several listservs about the germaneness of the postings to dispute resolution, contracts, or other academic topic areas. Those administrator contacts usually came after someone [...]


At the height of a global pandemic, and shortly after the expiration of the CARES Act which provided a temporary safety net to millions of Californians, the Supreme Court of California issued an order denying retroactivity of the 1390 Cal Bar Exam (CBX) cut score to February 2020 applicants who had already met this standard. [...]