On June 3, 2020, the Senate passed the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act, H.R. 7010.  The bill received bipartisan support in the House with a 417-1 vote.  The bill attempts to ease restrictions on small businesses that seek loan forgiveness under the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”), a CARES Act initative. The initial $350 billion in [...]


India is facing challenging times with the hit of the pandemic that has halted everything to a standstill. The economic development is at its lowest due to the lockdown that has been announced in India to stop the spread of COVID-19. In the face of this crisis, it is a worldwide realization and understanding that [...]


I am so pissed off. It is COVID-19 State Insanity to use riot-control agents such as teargas and pepper spray on peaceful protestors in a pandemic with highly contagious and deadly COVID-19. Let me break it down. Remember the protestors with guns walking into statehouses and protesting the stay at home orders? Do you remember a single [...]


Many have noted the role of America’s original sin of slavery, and the sad legacy of racism that survived Appomattox, in explaining what appears to be the uniquely abusive treatment of black men by police. Another part of our history though – Prohibition – explains why the law has failed to adequately address our recurring [...]


1.  There’s something happening here; What it is ain’t exactly clear On Sunday, May 31, 2020, I posted on my Facebook that we should expect the repression to come soon. And almost like predictable clockwork, the repression started the next day. We can note the teargassing and flash grenading of peaceful demonstrators and international press [...]


If any mental picture is evoked by the recent Wisconsin Supreme Court decision invalidating the State’s COVID-19-era stay-at-home/business-closure Order (Wisconsin Legislature v. Palm, et. al.) it’s probably of unrestrained partying — without masks and social-distancing — engaged in by less-risk-averse residents when unexpectedly freed of the Order’s constraints. That’s certainly one vivid takeaway from the case. [...]

© WikiMedia (Lorie Shaull)

The world has seen shocking videos of U.S, police officers, and private citizens perpetrating crimes against African Americans. Relentlessly, the socio-legal system brings about the death, imprisonment, torture, and degradation of African American men, women, boys, girls, households, and communities. The four-hundred years of atrocities comprised of slavery, separation of families, non-citizenship, segregation, and lynching [...]


In early May the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that the Wisconsin Governor’s extension of the state’s stay-at-home order was an unlawful overstep of his authority. The Republican legislature had filed suit because they believed that extending the stay-at-home order would hurt many of the businesses in the state. At the same time, across the country, white Americans [...]


The plight of Indian journalists is not in hiding anymore as it has been ranked 142 on the World Press Freedom Index 2020. The government has time and again introduced new laws to curb freedom and violate the rights of the citizens.  The Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act 1967 (UAPA) was developed as an anti-terrorism law [...]


The dearth of clear judicial precedent on tattoo copyrights enforceability has left the legal profession and the entertainment industry searching for answers. The question arises: to whom does the copyright of a tattoo remain with; the tattoo artist or the individual who wears ink on their body? At this point, a perplexing dichotomy starts between [...]