Jonathan Hafetz [Associate Counsel Brennan Center, attorney for Mohammed Munaf]: "Attorneys today asked the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the United States from transferring Mohammed Munaf, a American citizen, to the custody of the Iraqi government. Mr. Munaf has been in US custody in Iraq for more than 16 months. An Iraqi Court sentenced Mr. Munaf to death on October 12. A federal district judge in Washington, D.C., denied Mr. Munaf's habeas petition and the District of Columbia Circuit refused to issue an injunction prohibiting his transfer pending appeal. If the Supreme Court does not act to prevent his transfer, Mr. Munaf may be put to death. Mr. Munaf's case tests the right of US citizens to due process and the rule of law when held by their government. The U.S. government's argument rests on a pure legal fiction — that the Executive can escape constitutionally mandated habeas corpus review when it detains an American citizen if it claims to act under the guise of a multinational force."