Pascale Duparc Portier [National University of Ireland (Galway) Faculty of Law]: "As expected, French President Jacques Chirac delivered a much-awaited televised public address on the First Employment Contract (contrat premiere embauche, CPE) last night, Friday, 31 March 2006. He formally confirmed the promulgation of the Statute on the equality of opportunities (loi sur l'égalité des chances) containing the controversial article on the First Employment Contract. He immediately said, however, that after negotiations with trade unions and youth representatives and other bodies a new bill would be passed as soon as possible to deal with the two main issues: the probation period should be shortened to just one year and youth workers should be given the reasons for their dismissal.
He added that though the Statute on the equality of opportunities was immediately enacted, no First Employment Contract should be signed before the new bill amending the CPE is passed.
This means that one the one hand President Chirac formally backs up Premier Ministre Villepin and his government and confirms the validity of the Statute, but on the other is to trying restore peace in the country by showing his will to negotiate.
New strikes and demonstrations are planned on Tuesday 4th April 2006."