Search Results for: tobacco

The Law Society of Kenya issued a statement on Monday condemning an increase in the government’s road maintenance levy, calling the Ministry of Roads and Transport’s conduct “unconstitutional and procedurally flawed.” According to the society’s analysis of technical documents released by the Energy Petroleum and Regulatory Authority (EPRA) last week, the road maintenance levy has [...]


Wes Moore, governor of the US eastern seaboard state of Maryland, signed an executive order Monday pardoning 175,000 convictions related to possession of cannabis and drug paraphernalia, becoming one of the first US states to issue a mass pardon on cannabis. The order is set to include more than 150,000 misdemeanor convictions for possession of [...]


The US Supreme Court struck down a bump stock ban Friday enacted in 2018 following a deadly mass shooting in California. In a 6-3 vote, the court held that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) exceeded its authority in enacting the bump stock ban. The case known as Garland v. Cargill was [...]


The UK House of Commons voted Tuesday to advance the “Tobacco and Vapes Bill” that would make it illegal for anyone born in 2009 or later to buy tobacco and add restrictions to vaping. Legislators voted in favour of the bill in a 383 to 67 vote. Rather than banning smoking outright, the restrictions apply to [...]


The US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced a plan Thursday to expand background check requirements for gun dealers. The goal of the plan is to close loopholes for gun shows and online sales while simultaneously expanding the definition for firearm dealers required to be licensed. The rules, which fulfill provisions in the 2022 Bipartisan Safer [...]


Michael Soghomonian, also known as Shant, was arrested Sunday for allegedly starting a fire outside Senator Bernie Sanders’ office in Burlington, Vermont on Friday. An accelerant was lit in the office entrance, where the fire was quickly detected in the vestibule between the elevator and the office entrance. After igniting the fire, Soghomonian fled. A [...]


The New Zealand Parliament started on Tuesday the first reading of the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Amendment Bill. The amendment seeks to repeal the previous government’s initiatives in controlling tobacco sales. The previous government set the Smokefree 2025 goal, to reduce smoking rates for all population groups to less than 5 percent. The government [...]