Search Results for: protest

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled Thursday in the case Central Unitaria de Traballadores/as v. Spain, upholding Spain’s decision to ban a May Day demonstration during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The court determined that the restriction on the trade union’s right to assembly was justified due to the extreme public health [...]


The UN Human Rights Committee (UNHRC) is set to review Pakistan’s human rights record this Thursday and Friday under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). According to Amnesty International (AI), the review “comes at a crucial time for the country, as human rights violations and abuses remain rampant.” The review is part of Pakistan’s commitments [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) called on the Tanzanian government Wednesday to address increasing human rights violations ahead of local elections in mainland Tanzania scheduled for November 27. The country has recently witnessed several instances of arbitrary arrests of opposition supporters, and the extrajudicial killing of at least eight government critics. HRW denounced the government for [...]


The Philippines intensified the use of Facebook to undermine young activists’ rights to free speech and protest, Amnesty International reported on Monday. The report documents a coordinated campaign of state-sponsored harassment and intimidation. The group contended that government officials and security forces are weaponizing social media platforms, particularly Facebook, to engage in “red-tagging,” which involves [...]


Iran implemented new restrictions and sanctions for violations of the country’s dress codes, Human Rights Watch (HRW) confirmed on Monday. The group calls for the international community to act against the “Hijab and Chastity” law . Among the proposed restrictions, Article 49 of the law imposes severe fines against women who appear in public without [...]


Venezuelan authorities have canceled the passports of at least 40 people without explanation, most of whom are human rights activists and journalists, the Financial Times reported on Sunday. According to the Financial Times, the human rights group Laboratorio de Paz (LDP) warned that the number is likely to be even higher and excludes those whose [...]


Prominent human rights activist Dr. Mahrang Baloch has been charged with aiding separatist groups in Pakistan’s Balochistan province, officials revealed Saturday. The charges against Baloch, a leader of the Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC), include accusations of incitement, spreading hatred, and facilitating terrorist organizations. The case against Baloch was registered following a complaint filed by local [...]


Federal judges and magistrates in Mexico voted to end their nearly two-month strike on Friday against judicial reforms implemented by former President Andrés Manuel López Obrador which made judges elected rather than appointed. Although the National Association of Circuit Magistrates and District Judges (JUFED) announced that judicial proceedings will recommence, the judges and magistrates have [...]


Iran’s Supreme Court ordered a retrial of labor rights activist Sharifeh Mohammadi who had been sentenced to death for treason, according to local media that spoke to her lawyer on Saturday. The order lifts her death sentence while she awaits a retrial. In the Revolutionary Court conviction, Mohammadi’s alleged membership in the National Labor Unions [...]


A senior NATO official warned on Saturday that by unilaterally opening a bridge between Serb and Albanian neighborhoods in the town of Mitrovica, Kosovo could risk triggering violence. Admiral Munsch highlighted that the decision to reopen the bridge needs to take place at a political level within the EU-facilitated negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia. Munch [...]