Search Results for: affirmative action

Amnesty International Kenya praised a High Court ruling Thursday which found that 11 police commanders and officers have a case to answer in connection with the death of baby Samantha Pendo and other victims of the 2017 post-election violence. The officers are facing 47 charges of crimes against humanity, including murder, torture, and rape. The [...]


The Law Society of Kenya issued a statement on Monday condemning an increase in the government’s road maintenance levy, calling the Ministry of Roads and Transport’s conduct “unconstitutional and procedurally flawed.” According to the society’s analysis of technical documents released by the Energy Petroleum and Regulatory Authority (EPRA) last week, the road maintenance levy has [...]


New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu signed legislation Friday that prohibits transgender girls from competing on school athletics teams that match their gender identity while also approving another bill that bans gender reassignment surgery for minors. Sununu also vetoed a bill that would have permitted some businesses and government entities to restrict bathroom access to individuals [...]


The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported on Tuesday that more than 10 million Sudanese, over 20 percent of the population, have been displaced from their homes. The Sudan Mobility Overview, a bi-monthly report, compiled data from the past few months gathered through the IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix. Since the Sudan conflict began in April [...]


Canada Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Gary Anandasangaree apologized Monday to the nine Dakota and Lakota First Nations for denying their constitutional recognition and protection. The apology symbolized the Canadian government’s formal recognition of these First Nations as “Aboriginal peoples of Canada” under section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. In Monday’s gathering in Saskatchewan, Anandasangaree delivered [...]


The official spokesperson for the Iraq Ministry of Justice, Ahmed Laibi Abdul Hussein, strongly refuted a news article accusing the ministry of carrying out secret executions in Al-Hout prison. The ministry is braced to pursue legal action against the site. According to the Ministry of Justice, the accusations “aim to mislead domestic and international public [...]


A “people’s court” known as The Court of the Citizens of the World confirmed crimes against humanity and genocide charges against Chinese President Xi Jinping regarding China’s treatment of Uyghur Muslims and ethnic Tibetans. This tribunal, comprised of Former Ambassador for War Crimes Stephen Rapp, Former Madela appointee before the Constitutional Court of South Africa [...]