Search Results for: Myanmar

High Commissioner of the UN refugee agency, Filippo Grandi, warned on Monday that displacement crises in Lebanon and Syria could worsen and urged effective solutions from stakeholders. In an opening statement to the Executive Committee at UNHCR’s annual meeting in Geneva, Filippo Grandi shed light onto the situation of about 123 million displaced persons and refugees [...]


The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) reported Thursday that over 570,000 people are likely displaced in Myanmar’s Rakhine State due to ongoing conflict between the Myanmar Armed Forces (MAF) and the rebel Arakan Army, with over 3 million people displaced by conflict and flooding across the country. Adding to the humanitarian [...]


The Republic of Lithuania formally referred the situation in Belarus to the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Monday, a significant action reflecting its dedication to ensuring accountability for the alleged crimes against humanity perpetrated by the authoritarian regime of President Alexander Lukashenko. The referral, submitted by Minister of Justice Ewelina Dobrowolska, invokes Articles 13(a) and 14 [...]


The Cluster Munitions Coalition released its annual report on Monday detailing the use and transfer of these munitions alongside the policies and practices of countries regarding their use, and their implications on the international treaty banning cluster munitions. The 2024 report’s primary focus is on developments and challenges concerning the Convention on Cluster Munitions, the [...]


The Constitutional Court of the Dominican Republic reviewed a legal challenge on Friday regarding laws that criminalize consensual same-sex relationships among police and military officers. The court’s decision remains pending. Notably, similar penalties are not imposed for heterosexual acts. Anderson Javiel Dirocie de León and Patricia M. Santana Nina, the plaintiffs, filed a Direct Action [...]


Footage from Northeast Live shows tens of thousands of Rohingya refugees were holding rallies in refugee camps Sunday to mark the seven-year anniversary of “genocide day” in Myanmar. Individuals involved in the rallies continued to call for an end to the violence and the ability to return to their home state, seven years on from [...]


UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk expressed concern over the deteriorating situation in Myanmar amid the ongoing violence in the country. According to the UN Human Rights Office, the military and the Arakan Army committed human rights violations against the minority Rohingya community in Myanmar, despite their obligations to protect the Rohingya community [...]


Ali Riaz is a political scientist with research interests in South Asian politics, democratization, violent extremism, and Bangladeshi politics. He is a Distinguished Professor of political science at Illinois State University, a Nonresident Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council, and the President of the American Institute of Bangladesh Studies (AIBS). His recent publications include “Pathways [...]