Search Results for: Honduras

The National Defense and Security Council led by President of Honduras Xiomara Castro announced in a national broadcast Friday a sweeping plan to crack down on crime and safeguard national security. The crime solution plan establishes several measures to be implemented. First, the Security and Defense secretaries, the Armed Forces, and the Military Police will [...]


The Biden administration reportedly sent over 70 Haitians back to their homeland on Thursday amid the nation’s ongoing struggle with gang violence. The move was met with condemnation from human rights organizations, like the Haitian Bridge Alliance (HBA), which condemned the move as “intentional violence.” The HBA and nearly 500 other human rights organizations previously [...]


The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 stands as a cornerstone treaty in the realm of international law, delineating the structure for diplomatic interactions between sovereign states. This pivotal agreement secures the rights and protections of diplomatic missions, granting diplomats the freedom to execute their duties without hindrance or intimidation from the host nation. [...]


The plight of women’s rights in various countries reflects a complex interplay of legal, cultural and societal norms that significantly disenfranchise women and girls, threatening their human rights and dignity. Countries like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran, Yemen, Sudan, Pakistan, Somalia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Syria, and Nigeria present challenging environments where women’s rights [...]


The US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Friday that a federal jury in New York convicted former Honduras President Juan Orlando Hernández on three charges for his involvement in a drug trafficking and money laundering scheme.  The jury convicted Hernández on all three charges listed in his indictment. These charges included conspiring to import cocaine [...]


At least 126 human rights defenders were murdered in the Americas in 2023, according to a statement published Tuesday by the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR). The IACHR stated that this high violence rate was directed toward land and environment defenders, leaders of indigenous communities and leaders of communities of African descent. In the [...]


Protests against Honduras President Xiomara Castro brought thousands into the streets of  Tegucigalpa, the national capital, on Saturday. The demonstrators were protesting against Castro’s attempts to appoint new public officials without a congressional vote. The demonstration was specifically sparked by the governing LIBRE party’s election of interim public officials, including a new chief prosecutor, Johel [...]


Honduran Police announced Sunday that Nicaragua pardoned and returned 21 prisoners, including the leader of the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) criminal organization David Elias Campbell Licona, also known as “El Viejo Dan.” Nicaragua also stated on Saturday that they intend to return prisoners to Costa Rica. Upon their return, Honduran officials received prisoners at the Border [...]


The Central American Parliament (PARLACEN) of six Central American nations – namely Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and the Dominican Republic – convened on Monday in Managua to propose advocating the replacement of Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan with the All-China Assembly of People’s Representatives in an observer capacity.  Subsequent to this announcement, Taiwan took the [...]