Search Results for: AU

Hunger and poverty are compelling Haitian children to join criminal groups, according to a Human Rights Watch report published on Wednesday. Children who become part of criminal groups are forced into illegal activities and face abuse, including sexual exploitation, and even threats of death. While many of the children want to leave the criminal groups, [...]


A gang attack in Haiti resulted in the deaths of at least 70 people in Pont-Sonde on Thursday, amid an alarming rise in gang violence in rural areas raising concerns about a lack of law and order in a country that is already grappling with profound humanitarian crises. The Gran Grif gang, responsible for this [...]


The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights raised alarm Friday over the escalating gang violence and deteriorating human rights situation in Haiti, urging all national stakeholders and government authorities to take immediate action. An interim report presented at the 57th session of the Human Rights Council details a marked increase in gang-related violence in 2024, [...]


Amnesty International called on Cameroonian authorities Thursday to immediately release three supporters of a youth organization — Moustapha Tizi, Mohamadou Ballo, and Ibrahim Oumarou — and their relatives. Tizi, Ballo, and Oumarou were allegedly arrested on September 9 in Figuil, Cameroon,, for wearing shirts with the name of the organization they supported,  Pouvoir au Peuple [...]


Italian prosecutors in the city of Palermo requested a six-year prison sentence on Saturday for Matteo Salvini, the country’s deputy prime minister and leader of the League party, who is accused of kidnapping migrants and abuse of office. In 2019, then-Minister of the Interior Salvini prevented a vessel of the Spanish NGO Open Arms carrying [...]


Around 1200 anti-war and anti-genocide protesters clashed with police outside the Melbourne Convention and Exhibit Center on Wednesday, according to a media statement by Victoria Police. Thirty-nine of the protestors against the Land Forces International Land Defense Exposition have been arrested so far and charged with various offenses, including assault on police officers and obstruction [...]


The Hong Kong Court of Appeal, in a 2-1 majority, quashed the Communications Authority’s findings against Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) for breaching the media code on Wednesday. The court nullified the warning that had been issued as a sanction for the alleged violations of principles concerning accuracy and impartiality. The appeal centered on Headliner, [...]


Australia’s Community Safety and Legal Affairs Committee concluded that the proposed Queensland Community Safety Bill 2024 can breach the state’s human rights law by not deeming imprisonment as a last resort to impose criminal penalties on youth offenders. Currently, Youth Justice Principle 18, contained in Schedule 1 of the Youth Justice Act, states a child [...]