Search Results for: 2016-03-03

Amnesty International on Monday called on the US to provide urgent humanitarian aid to more than 8,000 displaced Syrians in the Rukban camp, a remote area in southeast Syria that borders Jordan and Iraq. Rukban became one of the crossing points for Syrian refugees fleeing the Syrian civil war in 2011. However, due to security [...]


The author, a professor of law, argues that both America’s campaign finance system and foreign policy decisions reflect a declining imperial power struggling to maintain global dominance, offering a provocative perspective on corruption and democratic deficits particularly relevant during Constitution Week, when Americans reflect on the foundational principles of their government… Suffice it to say [...]


Former US President Donald Trump filed a motion on Thursday to move his New York hush money case to federal court, an attempt that could overturn his conviction and delay his sentencing date until after the presidential election in November. Trump’s legal team asked the US District Court for the Southern District of New York [...]


The United States Treasury Department announced Tuesday that it has sanctioned Michel Joseph Martelly, the former president of Haiti, on drug trafficking charges. The US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control had imposed these sanctions under Executive Order 14059, which targets individuals involved in the global illicit drug trade. These sanctions freeze assets Martelly may [...]


Dying with Dignity Canada, John Scully, Claire Elyse Brosseau and law firm Paliare Roland filed an application in Ontario Superior Court on Monday challenging the Canadian government’s exclusion of individuals with mental disorders from accessing medical assistance in dying (MAiD), on the basis that it is discriminatory. The case is spearheaded by John Scully, who [...]


Under Taliban rule, Afghanistan is experiencing severe human rights abuses, notably against women and ethnic minorities, amid socio-political and humanitarian crises. In this piece, the authors analyze the severe human rights challenges in Afghanistan, particularly focusing on the plight of women under the Taliban and historical patterns of gender inequality. They propose federalism as a [...]


Credo quia absurdum, “I believe because it is absurd.” Tertullian For conspicuous reasons, the likelihood of direct war between Israel and Iran is increasingly “high.”  What remains inconspicuous is that such a war could quickly or incrementally involve North Korean military assets. Even if Israel were able to keep Iran pre-nuclear, an already nuclear North [...]


Gambian lawmakers endorsed recommendations presented by the Joint Committee on Health and Gender on Monday to maintain the country’s ban on female genital mutilation (FGM) in anticipation of an upcoming vote later this month on the potential decriminalization of the practice. The recommendations were adopted with 35 members voting in favor, 17 voting against and [...]