Search Results for: \"war crimes\"

The UN Human Rights Office and UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) called for culpable individuals of alleged human rights violations committed in Tarhuna, Libya between 2013 and 2022 to be held accountable in a Friday report. The report warned that the impunity culpable individuals enjoyed may compound instability and division in Libya. According to [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) urged the leaders of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on Wednesday to immediately investigate and cease their personnel from ill-treating and torturing, summarily executing and mutilating the dead bodies of individuals in their custody. According to HRW, one image and eight videos uploaded onto social media [...]


A Turkish airstrike in northern Iraq’s Kurdish region killed two female journalists, Hero Baha’uddin and Golestan Tara, on Friday. Both journalists worked for a local Kurdish media company and were traveling near the village of Teperash in Sulaimaniyah province when the strike hit, according to reports from local media. The Kurdish Regional Government’s (KRG) counter-terrorism [...]


Nepal’s National Assembly on Thursday unanimously passed a bill to amend the Enforced Disappearances Enquiry, Truth and Reconciliation Commission Act, according to local media sources. The amendment bill aims to address serious human rights violations committed during Nepal’s decade-long civil war that began in 1996. The legislation includes provisions for the establishment of commissions to [...]


The recent decision by Italy’s Court of Cassation (Corte di Cassazione) in case number 27115/2024 has sparked numerous reactions due to its consideration of the COVID-19 pandemic as a potential extenuating circumstance in a femicide case. This crime, which garnered significant media attention in Italian society, involved a perpetrator who was initially sentenced to life [...]


Far-right movements gaining popularity in many European countries are primarily anti-immigrant and anti-Islam. This study examines Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), a far-right political party in Germany. Founded in 2013, the party launched the AfD manifesto, a public document approved at its Federal Party Congress held in Stuttgart from April 30 to May 1 2016. Presently, [...]


A coalition of pro-Palestine protesters demonstrated outside of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago on Monday. Their main demand is to “end U.S. aid to Israel,” calling the current Democratic Party “progressive except for Palestine.” The coalition of protesters represents over one-hundred different progressive groups, ranging from large groups like Black Lives Matter Chicago to [...]


Human Rights Watch released a report Monday saying Israel’s “indiscriminate and disproportionate” July airstrikes on Yemen’s Hodeidah port violated laws of war. Yemeni civilians depend on receiving food and humanitarian aid at Yemen’s Hodeidah port in the city of Al Hudaydah, located on the Red Sea coast in western Yemen. On July 20, 2024, Israel [...]


An acceleration of acute malnutrition has made famine a real possibility in some Yemeni government-controlled areas, a report by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) warned on Sunday. The IPC estimated that 609,808 children under age five will be acutely malnourished by the end of the year, identifying four districts in particular that would [...]