Search Results for: hearings

A group of five prisoners who were held in special segregation units in Scottish jails is suing the Scottish Prison Service. The segregation units are used to hold prisoners that cause problems within the mainstream jail. The group's lawyer...


Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Tuesday, November 16.On Capitol Hill, the US House and Senate both reconvene for legislative business today after being in recess since October. AP has...


American Express announced Monday that it is suing fellow credit card giants Visa and MasterCard, along with eight banks, alleging anticompetitive practices which prevented American Express from issuing credit cards through US banks. American Express said that it would...


The US Supreme Court Monday reversed the death sentence of a Texas man because jurors were not instructed to consider mitigating evidence when deliberating on the sentence. LaRoyce Lathair Smith was convicted of murdering a former co-worker during an...


Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern has said that Ireland should give greater rights to same-sex couples. Ahern's comments come in response to a suit brought by a lesbian couple married in Canada seeking Irish recognition of their marriage. Last...