Search Results for: hearings

After hearing two days of oral argument on the constitutionality of California same-sex marriages, Superior Court Judge Richard Kramer asked Thursday for written arguments to be submitted to him by January 14. After submission, he will have up to...


A Spanish parliamentary commission investigating the Madrid train bombings from last March has completed its hearings and will now draft a final report on its findings. The hearings, which were aimed at determining how Islamic radicals were able to...


Chile's Supreme Court Wednesday heard an appeal by lawyers for former president General Augusto Pinochet against a lower appeals court ruling Monday that had upheld a house arrest order against him and had found him fit to stand trial...


The WA Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments Wednesday on disputed King County ballots in the still-undecided governor's race. The court's decision on the 730 ballots could decide the race, which Republican state Sen. Dino Rossi currently leads...


Iraqi judges Saturday began investigative pre-trial hearings for Sultan Hashim Ahmad, Saddam Hussein's last defense chief, and Ali Hassan al-Majid (Chemical Ali), another former defense minister. Saddam and eleven of his deputies face prosecution for alleged crimes during Saddam's...