Search Results for: sotomayor

In a 6-3 decision, the US Supreme Court Thursday ruled that a state prisoner must satisfy the court precedents and federal law to receive habeas relief in Brown v. Davenport. The decision impacts the standard federal courts use when deciding whether state trial courts’ constitutional errors are harmless. Petitioner Mike Brown argued that the US [...]


The US Supreme Court Wednesday heard oral arguments in Viking River Cruises v. Moriana, a case that could make pursuing legal action against an employer harder for workers who have signed arbitration agreements as a condition of their employment. An employee of Viking River Cruises sued the company in state court under the California Private Attorneys General [...]


The US Supreme Court Wednesday heard oral arguments in ZF Automotive US, Inc. v. Luxshare, Ltd., a case concerning federal district courts’ authority to apply a particular statute to private commercial arbitral tribunals. In August 2017, Luxshare, Ltd. (Luxshare) purchased business units from ZF Automotive US, Inc. (ZF) for approximately $1 billion, and the deal [...]


The US Supreme Court Wednesday reversed a decision by Wisconsin’s Supreme Court selecting state legislative districts drawn by the governor while also allowing the use of the governor’s congressional district map. The 2020 census revealed population shifts that necessitated redrawing Wisconsin’s election maps. The Republican-dominated legislature proposed new maps, which were vetoed by Democratic Governor [...]


The US Supreme Court ruled 8-1 Thursday in Cameron v. EMW Women’s Surgical Center that Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron can defend the state’s controversial law restriction abortion. HB 454 bans dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortion procedures, the most common method of abortion in the second trimester. The law was challenged by EMW Women’s Surgical [...]


The US Supreme Court ruled Thursday in a 7-2 decision that information related to torture at CIA “black sites” is protected under the state secrets privilege, which allows the government to bar the release of information when it would endanger national security. Between December 2003 and September 2004, respondent Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn (Zubaydah), a [...]