Search Results for: elena kagan

The US Supreme Court on Tuesday reinstated a federal requirement that women accessing early abortion drug mifepristone must pick up the drug in person from their health care providers. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) typically requires that mifepristone is only dispensed in clinics, medical offices or hospitals. The FDA also requires that patients [...]


The US Supreme Court on Tuesday blocked enforcement of COVID-19 restrictions for religious gatherings in New Jersey and Colorado until district courts can hear the cases. In both cases, petitioners challenge restrictions imposing stricter limitations on religious gatherings as violations of the First Amendment. The petitioners argue that the restrictions on religious institutions are harsher [...]


The US Supreme Court on Monday ruled in favor of  New Mexico, ending the latest chapter in a decades-old water dispute involving the Pecos River. The conflict involves how water is apportioned between New Mexico and Texas under an interstate compact first approved by Congress in the mid-twentieth century. Texas v. New Mexico centers around [...]


The U.S. Supreme Court last week issued its first ruling against coronavirus containment measures, invoking the First Amendment’s guarantee of free exercise of religion to enjoin an executive order by New York’s governor limiting attendance at religious services to 10 or 25 persons in areas classified as having a high risk for infections. The Court’s [...]


In a narrow 5-4 decision late Wednesday, the US Supreme Court prevented New York Governor Andrew Cuomo from setting strict limits to numbers of people gathered for worship in churches and synagogues out of concern for the spread of Covid-19. The majority granted an emergency stay of an executive order imposing capacity limitations for accommodations [...]


Joe Biden has won states worth 306 Electoral College votes, 36 more than the 270 needed to win, and received in excess of 5 million more popular votes than Donald Trump. Yet Trump insists the election was stolen from him and he is the victor. Trump started attacking the election months before it happened. He [...]


The US Supreme Court on Monday declined to reinstate a District Court order requiring Texas prison officials to enact basic safety precautions for the coronavirus. Justice Sonia Sotomayor dissented from this decision with Justice Elena Kagan joining. The case was filed by two inmates at the Wallace Pack Unit, a geriatric prison in Texas. Laddy [...]


US Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan denied the emergency application for a stay on Tuesday filed by Montana Secretary of State Corey Stapleton related to the fight over whether Green Party candidates should be included on the ballot for the upcoming general election. Stapleton filed the application on Monday against the Montana Democratic Party requesting that the Supreme [...]