Search Results for: Tim Zubizarreta

Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia is, in no doubt, a landmark judgment and a much-appreciated ruling by the United States Supreme Court. The court held that discrimination, as used in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, on the basis of sex is inclusive of discrimination against a homosexual or a transgender individual. On first [...]


The British Mathematician, Clive Humby once famously said, “Data is the new oil.” He used it as a metaphor to explain that data is a resource, just like oil, that is useless “unrefined,” but once it is “refined” (mined and analysed), it creates enormous value. A lot of information can be extracted from data just [...]


Trump’s presidency has always been one straight out of a cult leaders’ playbook. When late SF journalist Phil Tracy exposed the notoriously narcissistic Jonestown cult-leader, Jim Jones, Jones urged his followers to flee from California to Guyana, South America. When last month, Twitter exposed Donald Trump’s false claims about mail-in ballots, Trump threatened to revoke [...]


Amidst the pandemonium arisen due to the notoriety of the COVID–19 virus, we cannot afford to be lost on the significance of how there continue to be deep-rooted pernicious influences that plague the lesser privileged strata of Indian and Nepalese societies. “Witch hunting” is one of such numerous influences and has persisted through the centuries, [...]


In the wake of the latest killings of minority citizens by police there are passionate calls to defund the police or to abolish police altogether. As to abolition, it’s worth remembering that this country made do without organized police forces for nearly its first century of existence, but that approach proved inadequate as society became [...]


On May 22, 2020 Bombay High Court said that the Right to a Decent Burial is a facet of the Right to Life. This decision was based on a plea which contested burial of COVID-19 patients in burial grounds surrounding the residential areas. The court dismissed the petitions and quoted from Oscar Wilde: “Death must [...]


In a dark demonstration of Orwellian precepts, Hungary’s Parliament has passed a bill to end legal recognition for transgender citizens. The Bill received the legislative acquiescence on 19th May 2020. The legislature has cogently replaced the Hungarian word ‘nem’ which can mean both sex or gender with the term ‘születési nem’ which refers to sex [...]