Search Results for: Rishi Sunak

UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly Monday told the House of Commons that Iran “will be held to account” for the execution of British-Iranian citizen and former Iranian Deputy Minister of Defence Alireza Akbari. Cleverly called the execution a “cowardly and shameful act of leadership” and said that the Iranian government had misused the death penalty [...]


The UK government Monday introduced amendments to the pending Public Order Bill to change the definition of “serious disruption,” broadening the range of situations in which police in England and Wales may act to stop protests. Activists from groups such as Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil and Insulate Britain have drawn criticism for blocking roads [...]


Iranian authorities Saturday executed dual British-Iranian national and former public official Alireza Akbari on charges of “corruption in the land and extensive action against the internal and external security of the country through espionage” for the UK. The execution was reported by the state-run judicial news outlet Mizan Online. The report laid out various unsubstantiated [...]


Rishi Sunak, the British Prime Minister, stated on Friday it was “completely reasonable” for the UK government to scrutinize and potentially block a transgender bill passed in Scotland. The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) bill, passed on Thursday, reduces the minimum age in Scotland for legally changing one’s gender from 18 to 16. Additionally, the bill [...]


James Joseph is a UK staff correspondent for JURIST. The state of the courts and tribunals in England and Wales has become critical. In previous dispatches about strike action taken by the Criminal Bar Association I have addressed the scale of the issue, and the dire needs of a justice system on the brink of [...]


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Tuesday urged world leaders gathered for the G20 summit to adopt his 10-point proposal for peace in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine was center stage at the G20 summit, which concluded Wednesday with a collective condemnation of the war in Ukraine. At the summit, Zelensky said that Ukraine will not let [...]


Family members of Egyptian activist Alaa Abd El-Fattah Monday reported they have received a letter in Abd El-Fattah’s handwriting confirming he is still alive. Abd El-Fattah went on a water strike last week, and his lawyer claims he is not allowed to visit Abd El-Fattah in prison. According to the letter shared by Abd El-Fattah’s sister [...]


UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Wednesday announced a national fracking ban will be reintroduced. The short-lived Truss government lifted a 2019 fracking moratorium in September. Sunak stated he will stand “by the manifesto” of the former ban initiated by his own Conservative Party. Other Truss energy projects are currently set to continue. Truss eliminated the [...]