Search Results for: terrorism

Britain is considering a host of new anti-terrorism measures including the introduction of special courts to try terror suspects without a jury, according to an interview given by Home Secretary David Blunkett. Other measures being considered include allowing evidence...


Peru says it will ignore any ruling by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights advocating the release of American Lori Berenson. Berenson has been jailed in Peru since her 1995 arrest and 2001 conviction for terrorist collaboration with Marxist...


Congressional lawmakers announced Saturday that House and Senate negotiators have reached agreement on legislation that would overhaul the US intelligence structure pursuant to the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. The agreement is reported to create a new post that...


The National Assembly of South Africa has passed the Protection of Constitutional Democracy against Terrorist and Related Activities Bill . Safety and Security Minister Charles Nqakula announced the approval of the legislation Friday, saying that great care had been...