Search Results for: same-sex marriage

The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal finished hearing submissions from parties on Thursday in a case involving the constitutionality of Hong Kong’s preclusion of same-sex marriage. This is the first time the top Hong Kong court dealing directly with the homosexual couples’ right to marry. The applicant, Jimmy Sham, also happens to be a [...]


Estonia’s Parliament, the Riigikogu, passed a bill Monday to allow gender-neutral marriage in the country. The bill was sent to President Alar Karis for approval on Tuesday. Estonia is the first Baltic nation and the first former Soviet Union nation to legalize gender-neutral or same-sex marriage. The bill defines marriage as being between two people [...]


Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed two bills on Friday safeguarding LGBTQ+ rights in the state. HB 1591 amends the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act. The Act previously prohibited out of state couples from obtaining and Illinois marriage license. The language before amendment stated, “no marriage shall be contracted in this State by a [...]


A Japanese district court held Tuesday the government’s failure to recognize same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. Marriage for All Japan, a Japanese organization fighting for marriage equality, shared the Nagoya District Court in Japan’s opinion in a tweet. Article 24 of the Japanese Constitution states that “arriage shall be based only on the mutual consent of [...]


The Supreme Court of Namibia ruled the country’s authorities must recognize foreign same-sex marriages for immigration purposes, potentially signaling a major policy shift in a country where homosexuality is criminalized. The decision came out of a consolidated appeal involving two foreign nationals in same-sex marriages with Namibian citizens. These cases challenged the Ministry of Home [...]


The Pennsylvania House passed a bill Tuesday that would ban discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression in employment and housing. Known as the Fairness Act, House Bill 300 would amend the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, which currently bans employers and landlords from discriminating based on race, religion, ancestry, age, and [...]


The Supreme Court of Nepal Tuesday instructed the government to legally recognize same-sex marriage. They further recommended a five-step plan in order to allow same-sex couples and non-cisgender individuals to get married in line with a 2015 court-ordered report, which has not yet been acted upon by the government. In the latest of many recent [...]