Search Results for: manning

Toronto police announced Sunday that they are investigating two “suspected hate motivated mischief” incidents, after rocks were thrown through the windows of two synagogues in Canada’s largest city early Sunday morning. Criminal mischief is the willful destruction or damage of property. Under Canada’s Criminal Code, mischief relating to religious property that is “motivated by bias, [...]


Racism and intolerance towards minorities have risen for the second consecutive year in France, according to a report published Thursday by the French National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH). The 34th annual report on racism, anti-semitism and xenophobia found that the tolerance index declined by three points between November 2022 and November 2023, standing [...]


Here, the author Pitasanna Shanmugathas a graduate from Vermont Law looks at the reprisals faced by prominent whistleblowers in the wake of Julian Assange’s release, and the threat whistleblower prosecutions raise to media freedom and the principles of transparency and accountability in government… The release of Julian Assange after years of legal battles highlights the [...]


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleaded guilty in a remote US court on Wednesday to one count of conspiracy for releasing troves of US classified documents via WikiLeaks. The Australian national was released with time served. He had spent the past five years in a UK prison, where he had been battling extradition requests from the US. For [...]


Julian Assange is free after 12 years of confinement, having negotiated a plea deal with the US Department of Justice on charges related to his website WikiLeaks’ publication of classified materials. In 2006, Assange founded WikiLeaks, a website reputed for high-profile releases of leaked classified documents, including unredacted US diplomatic cables and sensitive defense information. [...]


Prosecutors in France have charged a 19-year-old man and another, minor, youth in the vicinity of Paris with ‘terrorist conspiracy’ after they were found to be planning a militant terrorist attack on Jewish targets, a judicial source told Agence France-Presse (AFP) on Friday.  The teens, who met via social media, were allegedly planning a “violent [...]