Search Results for: illegal immigration

The UK Illegal Migration Act will cause over 30,000 backlogged asylum applications unable to be processed, according to a report released on Wednesday by independent charity Institute for Policy Research (IPPR). These asylum seekers are considered “perma-backlogged” since they cannot be removed to their unsafe home country but are also deemed permanently inadmissible pursuant to [...]


Former ISIS affiliate Shamima Begum on Friday lost her appeal regarding the British government’s 2019 decision to strip her of British citizenship. Begum left the UK aged 15 to travel to Syria and join the Islamic State. The ruling from the Court of Appeal was unanimous, and as such, Begum must remain in Syria. The [...]


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled Thursday in M.H. and S.B. v. Hungary that Hungarian authorities violated Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights by arbitrarily detaining two minors who crossed the Hungarian border in 2016. Hungarian authorities detained the minors for about three and two months, respectively. The first minor was [...]


The US House of Representatives voted 214-213 Tuesday night to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over his handling of the situation at the US-Mexico border. The articles of impeachment accused Mayorkas of a “willful and systemic refusal to comply” with federal immigration laws and a breach of public trust. The impeachment resolution is mired [...]


The House Committee on Homeland Security voted 18-15 to approve sending two articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas early Wednesday morning after hours of hearings on the matter. The articles will now go to the House of Representatives floor for another vote. The articles allege that Mayorkas failed to comply with US [...]


Immigration is one of the hottest hot button issues going into the 2024 US presidential election. It has divided Americans, and the Republican party continues to go to extremes on the matter, with some 81% of GOP voters in the Iowa primary agreeing with former president Donald Trump’s description of immigrants as “poisoning the blood [...]


Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a statement asserting Texas’ constitutional right to self-defense on Wednesday as tensions with the Biden administration over security along the US southern border escalated. The statement specifically references Article I, § 10, Clause 3 of the US Constitution, which Abbott interpreted as granting Texas the authority to act autonomously against [...]


The US Supreme Court voted 5-4 on Monday to permit federal border patrol agents to cut the razor wire that Texas installed on the US-Mexico border. The Biden administration requested the decision to allow federal agents to access the border without facing tort claims from Texas. The urgency follows recent deaths at the border crossing [...]