Search Results for: United Nations Security Council reform

The invasion of Iraq was an initial military success and led to complete destruction of Saddam Hussein's regime. The military forces established the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) on April 21, 2003, citing UN Security Resolution 1483 as justification for its...


The international response to the crisis in Syria has been mixed since the conflict began in 2011. While Assad maintains some international support, much of the world has condemned his regime's response to the protests against his regime since the...


While the Syrian conflict began during the Arab Spring of 2011, it was fueled by decades of political oppression. On March 6, 2011, schoolchildren, inspired by uprisings in Egypt and Libya, graffitied anti-Bashir al-Assad messages on several buildings in Daraa....


JURIST Guest Columnist Raymond Gilpin, Director of the Center for Sustainable Economies at the United States Institute of Peace, says that the UN piracy resolution will only have a meaningful impact on ending maritime crime if it is complementary, coordinated...