Search Results for: 2015-03-11

A US District Judge in Montana ruled Wednesday that the US State Department must conduct a more thorough environmental review of the Keystone XL pipeline project, ordering the $8 billion project’s construction to come to an immediate halt. An environmental review was initially published for the pipeline’s original plans, which stretched from Canada through Nebraska. [...]


Our phones are constantly searching for the greatest connection, updating our location, and often connect to multiple cell towers on any given day, divulging our whereabouts to service providers with relative ease. In recent years, the accuracy of this method to pinpoint a person’s current and past location has increased significantly. And given that there [...]


JURIST Guest Columnists, Sarah Wetter and James G. Hodge, Jr. of the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, Arizona State University, discuss preemptive legal schemes that deprive states and localities of opportunities to implement efficacious interventions to advance public health......


The prosecutor general of the Maldives brought charges against 11 current and former government officials Tuesday. The charges include attempting to overthrow the government, attempting an act of terrorism, and giving and receiving bribes. The people named in...


JURIST Guest Columnist John Buckleton of New Zealand's Institute of Environmental Science and Research, discusses the future of DNA software in the courtroom... As anyone who has ever watched CSI can tell you, DNA is well established as the gold...


JURIST Guest Columnist Lauren A. Rousseau of the Western Michigan University Cooley Law School discusses the impact that the onslaught of litigation against the pharmaceutical industry could have on the opioid epidemic...According to the federal Centers for Disease Control, over...


JURIST Guest Columnist Dr. Charles Lugosi of Crease Harman, LLP, discusses how Canadian prime ministers' evasive answers during the Question Period expose deeper constitutional issues... All Canadian citizens, regardless of personal political preferences, are the heartbeat of parliamentary democracy. Together...


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Thursday voted 3-2 to repeal Obama-era net neutrality regulations in favor of returning to what it calls "longstanding, bipartisan light-touch regulatory framework that has fostered rapid Internet growth, openness,...