Search Results for: climate change

The US and China on Wednesday announced a negotiated agreement to reduce greenhouse gas output. Leaders of both countries negotiated secretly to arrive at the following pledge: The US seeks to reduce emissions by a quarter or more...


The UN has been actively engaged in the climate change conversation as a entity mediating and taking the lead on many initiatives. The most recent such activity was the UN Climate Summit 2014 ("the Summit"), held from September 23, 2014...


Changing international relations at the end of the 20th century, as well as concern for how various countries would handle sensitive environmental issues, led to the UN Conference on Environment and Development, also known as the Rio Conference. Held in...


A major challenge for the international response to climate change is the allocation of responsibility between industrialized and developing countries for remediation and mitigation. While industrialized countries like the United States have a history of emitting greenhouse gases and are...


According to many experts, such as those that comprise the US Global Change Research Program, climate change as a result of global greenhouse gas emissions is one of the most pressing and controversial environmental issues facing the international community today....