Search Results for: Ukraine

The Russian State Duma, the lower house of Russia’s Parliament, voted on Wednesday to give its preliminary support to legislation that will permit its army to sign contracts with suspects or criminal convicts to take part in the war in Ukraine. According to the State Duma, the proposed legislation would authorize the country’s Ministry of [...]


A Russian court began hearing the case against more than 20 Ukrainian soldiers from the Azov battalion, seized in May 2022 from the Ukrainian city of Mariupol. The members of the Azov battalion—including eight women—face charges of involvement with a terrorist organization and participating in action to overthrow Russian authorities. Photographs captured by the Associated [...]


Following global practice — including that of the U.S. military justice system — the Pakistan Army Act builds on maintaining good order and discipline among service members, as no military can effectively function without strict discipline. The court-martial, that is, trial by military officers of breaches of service-connected discipline, including crimes, sits at the heart [...]


The United Nations released the Global Trend Report 2022 on Wednesday which covers refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced and stateless people worldwide. 112.6 million people fall under the protection of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The number of forcibly displaced people is 108.4 million. Both figures are at their historic high since [...]


The Canadian parliament voted unanimously on Friday to grant honorary Canadian citizenship to Vladimir Kara-Murza, a Russian political prisoner and Kremlin critic, hoping that this move would increase the chances that he would be released alive. The title has only been granted to foreign nationals seven times before, including champions of human rights and democracy [...]


Vladimir Putin’s multiple crimes against Ukraine include aggression and genocide. But what happens when these two categories of criminality come together? Among other things, this result is not “merely” additive; it is also synergistic. Hence, the cumulative Russian wrongdoing is actually greater than the calculable sum of its component “parts.” What pertinent connections ought to [...]


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iceland announced on Friday that it will suspend operations of its embassy in Moscow starting August 1, 2023. Iceland has also requested Russia to limit the operations of its embassy in Reykjavík. Iceland’s embassy of Iceland in Moscow has been operating since 1944, except between 1951-1953, when there was [...]


The United Nations secretary general for humanitarian affairs said in a series of UN reports on Friday that Ukraine’s humanitarian crisis has been made severely worse by the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant’s destruction. The UN’s top official in Ukraine, Denise Brown, says that immediate needs are now “huge.” In his statement to the UN, Secretary [...]