Search Results for: oil for food

The UN Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan reported Wednesday that senior politicians and government officials have embezzled $36 million since 2016 linked to government entities. The commission also claimed that this amount is what they could trace and it could be higher. “At one end of the spectrum, South Sudan’s political elites were [...]


The UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs launched a consultation on Tuesday seeking input on whether the government should introduce a new law that would require businesses to ensure that the “forest risk” commodities they use have been produced legally. Almost half of all recent tropical deforestation is due to the illegal conversion [...]


India’s $265 billion COVID relief package has been criticized by many experts as falling short of expectations. In a speech before releasing the package, the Indian Prime Minister declared that the package will focus on land, labor, liquidity, and laws. The majority of the discussion has been around the proportion of fiscal and liquidity relief [...]


US District Judge Raag Singhal of the Southern District of Florida has dismissed a lawsuit accusing the Burger King fast-food chain of failing to disclose that the plant-based “Impossible Whopper” patty and regular beef patties are cooked on the same grill, using the same oils, resulting in vegetarian and vegan customers inadvertently consuming animal fats. [...]


The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of the US government allowing oil drilling to proceed in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. The Reserve was first designated a source of oil in 1923, and in 1976 management of the land was turned over to the US Department of the Interior, which [...]


“In the pandemic economy, face masks are like bars of gold. Hoarders are hoarding them. Governors are bartering for them. Hospital workers desperately need them.” – Michael Schulman The N95 mask is very important armor in battling the COVID-19 pandemic. Instances of hoarding and black marketing of masks are rising in India. Healthcare personnel risk [...]


Introduction COVID-19, which has brought human life to a standstill across the globe, is not a climate-change pandemic. The worldwide increase of infectious disease is the result of a changed human lifestyle that has consequently altered the biological ecosystem. The spread of infectious agents because of climate conditions was discovered in the later part of [...]


While India is battling with a pandemic, financial and economical threats are looming all around. Various schemes have come to the rescue such as a relief package worth INR 1.70 lakh crore, extending the dates for filing taxes, providing 15,000 crores for health infrastructure, waiving the requirement of maintaining certain minimum balance in bank accounts, [...]


Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza made a request to the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor on Thursday to investigate US sanctions imposed on Venezuela as crimes against humanity.  US economic sanctions on Venezuela have allegedly affected people’s rights to health, food and economic development. The US has long imposed sanctions on Venezuela. Most recently, the Trump [...]