Search Results for: DOI

The International Criminal Court’s Pre-Trial Chamber I (ICC) on Thursday issued arrest warrants for three men accused of having committed war crimes during the Russia-Georgia war in 2008. Russian nationals Mikhail Mayramovich Mindzaev and Gamlet Guchmazov, along with Georgian national David Georgiyevich Sanakoev have been charged with various war crimes. The charges include illegal detention, torture [...]


A coalition of ten environmental groups Wednesday sued the US Department of the Interior (DOI) and its Bureau of Land Management for resuming auctions to lease public lands with oil and gas reserves in eight western states. The environmental groups claim the auctions violate two laws and are incompatible with President Joe Biden’s climate-related promises. [...]


While abortion has been a hotbed of controversy in America for decades, many states, especially those governed by conservatives, have lately expressed interest or have introduced bills and laws to significantly restrict abortion. The recent highlight is the draft of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization’s judgment by the US Supreme Court leaked by Politico. [...]


The United States Department of the Interior (DOI) Wednesday reported that is uncovered 53 marked or unmarked burial sites at federal Native American boarding schools. The investigation is a part of the ongoing Federal Indian Boarding School initiative, a government effort to address the dark history of federal Native American boarding schools. From 1819 to [...]


In October 2021, Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal ruled that in the event of a conflict between the Constitution of Poland and the treaties of the European Union, the Polish Constitution will reign supreme. The Tribunal concluded that Article 4(3) of the Treaty on European Union, in conjunction with Article 279 of the Treaty on the Functioning of [...]


The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Tuesday voted to suspend Russia from the organization. The move came during an emergency session convened at the request of 6 members and at the instruction of the UNWTO’s Executive Council. The Executive Council previously debated suspending Russia in an emergency meeting last month. The UNWTO is a [...]