Search Results for: Ukraine

The Ohrid Agreement, officially known as the Agreement on the Path to Normalization between Kosovo and Serbia, was verbally accepted by the Serbian President and Kosovar Prime Minister in March 2023, symbolizing the most significant advance in negotiations between the two nations in years. A report by the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (The Kosovar [...]


Oksana Bidnenko is a staff correspondent for JURIST. She is a Ukrainian law student at the Riga Graduate School of Law in Riga, Latvia, and is currently an exchange student at the University of Oslo, Norway.  It was announced last week that Ukraine and other members of the International Coordination and Response Group for the [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) announced Friday they uncovered new evidence that Ukraine used banned landmines and other illegal artillery against Russian troops. In a news release published on their website, HRW reported that they found artillery rockets that they allege are Ukrainian. The findings originate with images of Uragan rockets found in an agricultural field [...]


Economist and foreign policy expert Jeffrey Sachs, a best selling author and director of Columbia University’s Center for Sustainable Development, has long argued that Russia’s hostility toward Ukraine was provoked by the U.S. vis-à-vis pushes for NATO expansion, military interventions, and other forms of meddling. In an interview with JURIST Assistant Editor Pitasanna Shanmugathas, Sachs [...]


UN Secretary-General António Guterres released his annual report on children and armed conflict on Tuesday, unveiling a surge in grave violations committed against children in armed conflict zones when compared to preceding years. The report exclusively highlights that 27,180 grave violations that have been verified through evidence. However, it warns that there are likely numerous additional [...]


Iran filed a case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Tuesday challenging Canada’s jurisdiction over civil damages cases related to alleged terrorism. Iran claims that Canada has adopted and implemented a series of legislative, executive and judicial measures against Iran and its property in breach of Canada’s international obligations. These measures have abrogated [...]


The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine on Tuesday released a report which details the arbitrary detention, torture, and occasional killing of civilians by Russian armed forces in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The report describes the Russian Federation’s widespread practice of arbitrarily detaining civilians in Russian-occupied regions of Ukraine. The [...]


Members of the US House of Representatives introduced two resolutions on Friday, H.Res.547  and H.Res.538, that would expunge the impeachments of former President Donald Trump. Trump is the third US president to be impeached and the only president to be impeached twice. If passed, both resolutions would expunge Trump’s impeachments as if they had not [...]


Mystery continues to shroud the deal that saw Yevgeny Prigozhin call off his mercenary forces as they marched largely undeterred toward Moscow on Saturday. Kremlin officials have announced that Russia would not pursue criminal charges against the Wagner leader, whom Russian leader Vladimir Putin had accused a day prior of treason, but all sides have [...]