Search Results for: Ukraine

The UN Secretary-General António Guterres released a statement on Thursday condemning the Russian attacks against ports in Odesa and other Ukrainian Black Sea ports. The attacks on civilian infrastructure may be a violation of international humanitarian law. According to Russia’s commitments under the Memorandum of Understanding, Russia should be facilitating the export of food from Ukrainian [...]


The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced Thursday that it will impose travel restrictions on British diplomats, prohibiting them to travel outside of a 75-mile radius of the British Embassy in Moscow or the British Consulate in Yekaterinburg without advanced notice. According to the Russian MFA, the move comes in response to ‘hostile actions’ from [...]


Russian investigators took prominent Russian nationalist and military veteran Igor Girkin into custody on Friday for criticizing Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian performance in the War in Ukraine. Miroslava Reginskaya, Girkin’s wife, informed the public about his detention. According to her statement on Girkin’s Telegram channel, representatives of the Investigative Committee came to their [...]


The Ukrainian armed forces confirmed Thursday they received cluster munitions sent by the US. Tavria Region defense spokesman Valery Shershen confirmed the delivery to Radio Free Liberty in Ukraine amidst international condemnation of the US’s decision to provide the weapons. Following US President Joe Biden’s July 7 announcement that the US would provide Ukraine with [...]


Since the 2014 Revolution of Dignity, Ukraine has taken significant strides to improve its anti-corruption legislation. Ukrainian lawmakers and experts have been studying and implementing international best practices in developing progressive anti-corruption laws. One such development was the introduction of the Law On Corruption Prevention, which established new legal and organizational principles for corruption prevention [...]


A Russian airstrike on Sunday hit a building in Zaporizhzhia, southeast Ukraine, that was next to a humanitarian aid center. The building collapsed on the center and trapped at least 15 people under the rubble. Five people died and 11 were injured as a result of the strike. Regional police said they are continuing search-and-rescue [...]