Search Results for: january 6

Protecting the environment is not an extravagance but rather essential. The COVID-19 crisis with its economic and social impacts has reminded us of events that countries were not adequately prepared to address. Rising environmental issues leave countries vulnerable to diseases and disasters. Countries should always take steps to address environmental issues. International trade agreements like [...]


To prepare the streets for Donald Trump’s walk to St. James Church in Washington, DC on June 1, 2020 – an apparent public relations stroll where he held up a Bible – the US Secret Service engaged in highly unusual and plausibly illegal behavior. More precisely, in ironic contrast to its proper statutory authority, which [...]


I believe in Amartya Sen’s idea of identity being a composition of multiple affiliations: nationality, language, religion, profession, neighborhood, social commitments, and other connections. I see myself belonging to a lot of groups by virtue of my affiliations: I am a Punjabi from West Punjab (Pakistan) with roots in Kashmir. I strongly admire the cultures [...]


Health and safety are the highest concern today for all as the ongoing impact of COVID-19 continues to expand every day. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic also has the unavoidable and related effect of delaying existing contested settlement processes in both the national courts and in arbitration. The trials were postponed or moved as [...]


In the late 1920s scratch farmers and loggers were facing an unseen threat in the isolated forests of the inland Pacific Northwest of America. Crops were scarred and charred. They had stunted timber yields. The culprit turned out to be a huge zinc smelter In Trail, British Columbia that bellowed sulfurous fumes from across the [...]


Introduction December 2019 witnessed the outbreak of one of the deadliest viruses ever when China reported some cases of unusual pneumonia to the World Health Organization (WHO). The virus remained unknown for a brief period of time, but it spread rampantly across Europe and Asia in the months of January and February. Slowly it moved [...]


The US Supreme Court ruled on Monday that defendants on trial in state courts for serious offenses must be convicted by a unanimous jury, under the Sixth Amendment right to a jury trial, which is incorporated to the states by the Fourteenth Amendment. In 1972, the Supreme Court ruled in Apodaca v. Oregon that the [...]


The Ministerial Meeting of OPEC and non-OPEC countries concluded on Sunday with an agreement to cut oil production and raise prices in an attempt to stabilize the global oil market, which has seen significant fluctuation in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The agreement calls for significant reductions in production. ll Participating Countries agreed to [...]


Introduction Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an infectious respiratory disease caused by a newly discovered form of Coronavirus. There is currently no vaccine or any other medicine discovered for the treatment of COVID-19. The first case of COVID-19 was identified in China during November, 2019. COVID-19 has now spread across more than 200 countries affecting more than [...]


With the astonishing speed of the spread of COVID-19 – affecting more than 199 countries, 1,315,989 confirmed COVID-19 cases, and 74,000 deaths – many countries are implementing extraordinary measures to meet this unprecedented challenge and to cope with the severe implications of the coronavirus crisis. The key measures of the containment strategy have entailed multiple [...]