Search Results for: Ukraine

Polish lawmakers voted on Friday to approve amendments to a controversial law on Russian influence. The pre-amended law was heavily criticized by the EU and US, who emphasized that it undermines democratic standard. The lower house (Sejim) approved the law 234-213 with 4 abstentions. Duda only needs to sign the drafted amendments before the bill [...]


Friday, an independent UN human rights expert appealed for Russia to immediately release detained journalist and prominent opposition activist Vladimir Kara-Murza, whose life is at risk due to deteriorating health. In a statement, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Russian Federation Maria Katzarova said, “I am concerned that Vladimir Kara-Murza’s only crime [...]


Ukraine’s Parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, approved bills on Thursday that extends martial law and general mobilization in the country for an additional 90 days. The move marks the eighth extension since the start of the war in Ukraine. Lawmaker Yaroslav Zhelezniak wrote on Telegram that Ukraine’s Parliament extended martial law for 90 days, until November 15, 2023 [...]


Russia’s TASS news agency reported Thursday that the Russian Interior Ministry has issued an arrest warrant for the International Criminal Court judge who issued the arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin, Justice Tomoko Akane. In the statement, TASS News agency said, “The “udge Tomoko Akane, has been formally designated as wanted on criminal charges, according to [...]


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MAEIE) in the Republic of Moldova announced Wednesday that Russian ambassadors in Moldova would be limited to 10 diplomats and 15 administrative positions due to “ongoing tensions unfriendly actions.” According to a press release, extra Russian diplomats must leave the country by August 15. Foreign Minister of [...]


“It must not be forgotten that it is perhaps more dangerous for a nation to allow itself to be conquered intellectually than by arms.” —Guillaume Apollinaire, “The New Spirit and the Poets” (1917) Nuclear weapons remain unique in the history of warfare and corresponding international law. Even a single instance of nuclear war-fighting could signify [...]


UNESCO released a statement Sunday condemning Russian strikes on Odesa, Ukraine, which allegedly damaged several World Heritage Sites, including the first Orthodox Christian church built in Odesa, the Transfiguration Cathedral. Ukraine is home to eight locations on the World Heritage List. UNESCO’s Director-General Audrey Azoulay stated: This outrageous destruction marks an escalation of violence against [...]


INTERPOL and Europol announced Monday that the organizations broke up a migrant smuggling ring that brought migrants from Cuba to the European Union (EU). 62 arrests were made in cooperation with the governments of Germany, Greece, Northern Macedonia, Spain and Serbia. The investigation into the smuggling ring began in October 2021 after several EU countries [...]


Russian journalist Rostislav Zhuravlev was killed and three others were wounded on Friday in an alleged cluster munitions strike. Zhuravlev and one other were a wartime correspondents for RIA Novosti, a state-owned Russian news agency. Two others were correspondents for Russian news agency, Izvestia. The attack took place in the Zaporizhzhia region of Ukraine. Zhuravlev [...]


Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Poland’s leadership of seeking to capture Ukranian land and potentially invade Belarus in a televised address on Friday. Putin said that NATO would form a task force that would enter the Ukraine War and then that Poland would take historically Polish lands in Western Ukraine and perhaps Belarus as well. [...]