JURIST Guest Columnists Lawrence Friedman and Victor Hansen of New England School of Law say that Barack Obama's recent executive orders directing the closure of Guantanamo and the CIA prisons suggest that he has a different and more limited view...
Search Results for: secret detention
JURIST Contributing Editor Mary Ellen O'Connell of Notre Dame Law School says that while President Barack Obama's initial executive orders are encouraging signs of renewed American respect for international law, robust American recommitment to that seems unlikely in the next...
JURIST Contributing Editor Jordan Paust of the University of Houston Law Center says that President Barack Obama should follow up his executive order banning torture and inhumane interrogation by fulfilling treaty-based and customary international legal obligations to either initiate prosecution...
Obama issues torture ban, orders CIA 'secret prisons' closed
Discharging key campaign pledges on his third day in office, US President Barack Obama expressly banned US use of torture in interrogations and directed the immediate shutdown of CIA detention facilities in a third executive order...
Abduction of Zimbabwe rights activist Mukoko shows Mugabe's contempt for opposition
Ambroise Pierre : "As head of Paris-based Reporters Without Borders' Africa desk, I am both concerned and exasperated by the harsh conditions in which the Zimbabwe authorities are holding journalist and human rights activist Jestina Mukoko....
House Judiciary Committee chair urges probe into Bush administration abuses
The Bush administration engaged in numerous abuses , and the incoming Obama administration should launch a criminal investigation to find out whether any laws were violated, according to a report released Tuesday by US House Judiciary...
Obama not ruling out prosecution of Bush officials for human rights violations
US President-elect Barack Obama said during an interview broadcast Sunday that he has not ruled out prosecuting officials for rights abuses committed under the Bush administration. Asked whether he would appoint a...
Ethiopia parliament approves controversial legislation regulating foreign charities
The Ethiopian Parliament on Tuesday adopted controversial legislation designed to regulate foreign charities. Under the Proclamation for the Registration and Regulation of Charities and Societies, which passed 327 to 79 ,...
Rights group claims Iraq courts failing to meet due process standards
The Central Criminal Court of Iraq (CCCI) is inefficient and ineffective, with detainees waiting months or years for trials that do not meet international fair trial standards, according to a report released Sunday by Human...
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) on Tuesday filed a government motion asking a federal judge to review the procedure for handling appeals by detainees being held at the US military prison in Guantanamo Bay...