Search Results for: same-sex marriage

Human Rights Watch (HRW)  released its 2024 World Report on Thursday detailing the state of global human rights. The report’s central theme was that “transactional diplomacy” undermined global human rights institutions and enabled autocrats to worsen violations. HRW Executive Director Tiran Hassan described “transactional diplomacy” as when “governments disregard the benefits of long-term relationships built [...]


Greece’s Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said in an interview with a state-run television channel on Wednesday that the government would shortly submit legislation allowing same-sex civil marriages, despite reservations from the Orthodox Church and some lawmakers.  Mitsotakis vowed to eliminate any discrimination based on sexual orientation in marriages. He added that “marriage equality has already [...]


A UK government report released Wednesday detailing the discriminatory policy used to decide which asylum seekers can be housed on the Bibby Stockholm barge was subsequently deleted from the government website. Although the policy discriminated against asylum seekers on the grounds of age and sex, the government stated this discrimination was justified under provisions in [...]


The House of Representatives of Thailand passed four bills on Thursday that propose to amend the country’s Civil and Commercial Code and legalize same-sex marriage. The four bills seek to change the wording such as “men and women” and “husband and wife” in the Civil and Commercial Code to “individuals” and “marriage partners,” allowing same-sex [...]


UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk condemned on Thursday the Russian Supreme Court’s decision to outlaw the LGBTQ+ movement in the country and label proponents of the movement “extremists” under new legislation. The court’s decision is the most recent development in Russia’s ongoing crackdown against LGBTQ+ people within the country. The Russian Supreme [...]


The Prime Minister of Thailand announced Tuesday that his cabinet approved a bill to provide legal recognition to same-sex marriages. According to Thai media, government spokesperson Karom Polpornklang provided details about the bill in a press briefing on Tuesday. The bill would adjust language in Thailand’s Civil and Commercial Code to be LGBTQ-inclusive. Words like [...]


Public attitude toward minority rights usually can serve as a good baseline for testing a country’s level of general democracy and tolerance. Croatia became a European Union member in 2013 and is criticised for its undemocratic society. Inside the country, there are constant debates on this ground about whether Croatia should be affiliated with Western [...]