Search Results for: rwanda genocide

French lead prosecutor Remy Heitz said Monday that the investigations carried out by the French government could not prove direct involvement of French troops in the Rwandan genocide and asked the investigating magistrates to drop the case. The investigation centers on the 991-page report that was published by the Research Commission on the French Archives [...]


The French government bears significant responsibility for enabling the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, according to a Monday report from the Rwandan government. The report was commissioned by the Rwandan government in 2017 and compiled by Robert Muse of the Washington, DC, law firm of Levy Firestone Muse. While the report acknowledges French humanitarian intervention after the [...]


A woman who served a 10-year sentence in US prison for lying about her role in the 1994 Rwandan genocide to obtain American citizenship was deported to Rwanda on Friday. She was arrested upon her arrival in Rwanda and now faces several charges.  Beatrice Munyenyezi had lived in the United States since 1998. She failed [...]


Rwanda’s High Court Chamber for International and Cross-border Crimes on Friday ruled that it has jurisdiction to try Paul Rusesabagina, whose actions inspired the film “Hotel Rwanda,” on the charges of terrorism financing, armed robbery, abduction, arson, attempted murder, assault, and battery. During the 1994 genocide, Rusesabagina used his connections and position as hotel manager [...]


The trial of Paul Rusesabagina, whose actions inspired the film “Hotel Rwanda,” began Wednesday in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. During the 1994 Rwandan genocide, Rusesabagina saved hundreds of lives by providing shelter to people at the hotel where he worked as a manager. These actions inspired the film “Hotel Rwanda,” and Rusesabagina was awarded [...]


In an initial appearance before the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) Wednesday, a Rwandan businessman suspected of financing Rwanda’s 1994 genocide entered a plea of “not guilty” to numerous genocide-related charges. The 87-year-old Félicien Kabuga remained silent throughout the tribunal proceedings. At the request of Kabuga’s lawyer, Judge Iain Bonomy registered a plea [...]


Lord Iain Bonomy, a judge for the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals that is handling the remaining business of the former international criminal courts for Yugoslavia and Rwanda, approved the transfer of Félicien Kabuga to The Hague Wednesday. Arrested in May in Paris after two decades as a fugitive, Kabuga is suspected of financially supporting the [...]


As the armed forces of Armenia and Azerbaijan, in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the Caucasus, slug it out over a decades-long dispute about a piece of ground, one is reminded that conflict, once again, has become dirty and lawless at many levels. Civilians have become targets, protective symbols of the Geneva Conventions, such as the [...]