Search Results for: lebanon

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) shared Saturday that three UN military observers and a Lebanese interpreter were injured during a foot patrol along the Blue Line when an explosion happened nearby. The UNIFIL spokesperson Andrea Tenenti’s statement, which was shared by the official X (formerly Twitter) account of UNFIL, stated: This morning, [...]


Yonatan Shapira is an ex-captain and pilot in the Israeli Air Force. In 2003, he helped coordinate the circulation of a letter that was signed by 27 Israeli Air Force pilots expressing their refusal to engage in Israeli military actions targeting Palestinians. Additionally, Shapira has endorsed the domestic Israeli movement supporting Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions [...]


Civil society is facing unprecedented challenges globally due to escalating conflicts and crises. In 2023, groups that were pivotal in advocating for human rights, offering humanitarian aid and giving a voice to the marginalized encountered increasing difficulties. Their work has become more challenging due to growing repression and conflict, yet they remain beacons of hope [...]


A group of Palestinian Canadians filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against the Canadian government in Canada’s Federal Court, challenging the continued export of military goods and technology to Israel. Led by a coalition of Canadian and Palestinian applicants, including Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights (CLAIHR) and Al-Haq-Law in the Service of Man, the legal [...]


A report released by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on Tuesday highlights human rights violations and abuses endured by Syrians upon their return to Syria. The report outlines a combination of challenges awaiting returnees, including general insecurity in the aftermath of the civil war, as well as ongoing violations [...]


On December 6, the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General António Guterres, acting under Article 99 of the UN Charter, formally warned the UN Security Council of a looming global threat from the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. This is the first time that Guterres has invoked Article 99 since becoming Secretary-General, and only the fourth [...]


Authorities in Türkiye announced the arrest of seven people on Friday alleged to have been operating as spies for Mossad, the Israeli state intelligence service. According to the state-run media platform Anadolu, which was the first outlet to announce news of the arrests, “an investigation carried out by the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office revealed [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) called for Meta to improve their protection of LGBTQ+ people on Facebook and Instagram on Tuesday. This new campaign follows an HRW report from 2023, which found that security forces in the Middle East and North Africa use social media platforms to gather evidence to prosecute them. A new campaign, titled [...]


The US and UK defended the legality of their strikes launched in Yemen against Houthi rebels at the UN Security Council’s Friday meeting. The airstrikes, conducted by an international coalition led by the United States and supported by Britain, Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands, drew international attention and sparked a broader debate on the [...]