Search Results for: bangladesh

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), an independent organisation that defends the rights of journalists, called Tuesday for the release of Htet Aung, a Myanmar journalist who had been sentenced to five years imprisonment with hard labour. The sentence of Htet Aung followed the publication of his article for the DMG Newsroom titled “Calls for [...]


The Developing Eight Organization for Economic Cooperation (D-8) affirmed their support for the full membership of Palestine in the UN and all resolutions related to the Palestinian cause in international fora in a joint declaration released on Saturday. This declaration was a result of the extraordinary meeting of the D-8 Council of Ministers on the [...]


Seven international rights groups (including Amnesty International, ADPAN, CPJP, The Botswana Centre for Human Rights, Eleos Justice, International Federation for Human Rights, and Odhikar) issued a joint statement on Wednesday urging the Bangladeshi government to abolish the death penalty. The statement comes in light of the death sentence given to Lesedi Molapisi by a Dhaka [...]


The number of people displaced by war, violence and prosecution has skyrocketed to a staggering 114 million, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi revealed in an address to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Thursday. Grandi attributed the increase to the international community’s failure to address root causes and enforce compliance with international [...]


Nearly five years after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered provisional measures to protect the Rohingya, the humanitarian crisis facing this predominantly Muslim ethnic group from Myanmar’s Rakhine region remains dire. For decades, the Rohingya have endured violence, displacement, and human rights abuses. Despite the ICJ’s intervention, Rohingya communities continue to face atrocities in [...]


UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Liz Throssell urged Bangladesh and other states on Friday to effectively protect Myanmar’s minority Rohingya community amid the fleeing of the Rohingya community from the ongoing fighting in Myanmar. According to Throssell, over one million Rohingya sought refuge in Bangladesh and about 45,000 Rohingya sought protection from the fighting [...]


India granted citizenship to its first batch of 14 refugees under the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) on Wednesday. The refugees are from the neighboring countries of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. The law was originally proposed and passed in 2019 by the Indian Cabinet. CAA amended the Citizenship Act of 1955, specifically Section 2.  The [...]