Search Results for: alito

The US Supreme Court ruled Friday that the Biden administration can temporarily continue to communicate with social media companies about moderation policies, lifting a lower court ruling blocking communication between social media companies and a limited number of Executive Branch officials. The order from the court’s majority both temporarily removes the lower court stay and [...]


The US Supreme Court declined on Friday to block a district court ruling that a Missouri law that attempts to invalidate federal firearm law within the state is unconstitutional. Missouri applied to Justice Brett Kavanaugh to stay the lower court ruling. Justice Clarence Thomas noted in the order that he would have granted the application to [...]


The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Wednesday in case involving racial gerrymandering claims against South Carolina’s congressional map. The case is an appeal from a three-judge panel decision in the US District Court for the District of South Carolina Columbia Division, which found that South Carolina’s Republican-led legislature’s design of that state’s First [...]


In its recent Moore v. Harper decision, the US Supreme Court rejected the so-called independent state legislature theory. That theory holds that state legislatures are insulated from the ordinary exercise of state judicial review under the Elections Clause. The Elections Clause specifically provides: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, [...]


In a 5-to-4 vote, the US Supreme Court granted a request on Tuesday to temporarily stay a ruling by the US District Court for the Northern District of Texas that vacated a rule regarding “ghost guns” from the Bureau of Alchohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). “Ghost guns” are weapons parts kits that can be [...]


A Gallup public opinion poll released Wednesday shows continued record low approval ratings for the Supreme Court of the United States. Gallup, an independent global analytics firm, releases frequent public opinion polls gauging Americans’ approval of the court and its justices. Tied with the record low from September 2022, only 40 percent of Americans approve [...]


US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito issued an order Friday lifting a stay placed on a rule regarding “ghost guns” from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) by the US District Court Northern District of Texas. “Ghost guns” are weapons parts kits that can be put together to create a gun without [...]


After a meeting Thursday morning, the US Senate Judiciary Committee advanced a bill that proposes ethics reforms for the Supreme Court, which has recently faced a series of scandals involving Justices Clarence Thomas, Sonia Sotomayor and Samuel Alito. Bill S 359—also known as the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act—passed out of the Democratic-controlled [...]