Search Results for: Tim Zubizarreta

“The Button recounts the terrifying history of nuclear launch authority, from the faulty 46-cent microchip that nearly caused World War III to President Trump’s tweet about his “much bigger & more powerful” button. Perry and Collina share their firsthand experience on the front lines of the nation’s nuclear history and provide illuminating interviews with former [...]


The global pandemic brought out the best in many people. Every day, healthcare workers risk their lives to save others. Working people risk illness so others can shop at home. And regular people help their neighbors in need. Unfortunately, not everyone has risen to the moment. Many people have fallen prey to wild conspiracy theories, [...]


The Uniform Bar Examination is always given on the last Tuesday and Wednesday in July, even, it turns out, in the midst of a pandemic. On July 27, the date of the bar exam, 1,126 lives were lost to COVID-19. Despite this, today almost 200 future lawyers — myself included — sat in-person for the [...]


Just three months ago, IT departments at companies across the world were focused on configuring networks, as well as installing equipment and software to make telecommuting work as efficient and safe (from a cybersecurity perspective) as possible. Now, as we enter the beginning phases of “return to work,” the focus must shift 180 degrees in [...]


This essay reflects on a Sunday spent in Montgomery, Alabama, when a city and a state honored Rep. John Lewis. Here also is a pdf version for anyone that might like to have a copy of this material for personal or educational use. In Montgomery last Sunday, many of those who attended the memorials for [...]


The three-year journey has ended. Clearing one more hurdle, you would join your chosen profession. But as you approached the hurdle, becoming a lawyer resembled joining a craft guild. Bar admission committees seemed intent on elevating custom over common sense. The infamous bar exam became a pandemic year proxy for antiquated legal industry rituals. What [...]


“The masses have followed the magicians again and again…Socrates and Plato were the first to take up the struggle against them in clear awareness of what was at stake.” – Karl Jaspers, Reason and Anti-Reason in our Time (1952) On absolutely all matters of existential survival, individual or collective, candor is indispensable. In connection with [...]


The month of July has almost ended and the Bar Exam is just as much in flux now as it was back in April. For many applicants to the bar, the situation is changing on a daily basis. Just this past week the applicants to the Louisiana Bar were granted Emergency Diploma Privilege. Indiana was [...]


On 3rd January, 3:13 pm (EST) President Donald Trump addressed one of the most high profile press conferences of the decade. He announced the killing of Major General Qasim Soleimani, head of the feared Iranian Quds force. Though there had been previous reports by the Iraqi news agency as well as the United States Department [...]