Search Results for: secret detention

JURIST Guest Columnist Afsheen John Radsan, former CIA assistant general counsel now at William Mitchell College of Law, says that instead of categorically rejecting rendition as a US strategy, new CIA chief Leon Panetta and President Obama will likely conclude...


JURIST Contributing Editor Marjorie Cohn of Thomas Jefferson School of Law says that instead of leaving the door open for the CIA to continue to engage in the rendition of terrorism suspects to other countries so long as the process...


JURIST Special Guest Columnist Jonathan Horowitz, Research Director at human rights and public interest investigation firm One World Research, says that notwithstanding the pending closure of the Guantanamo Bay prison and all the publicity surrounding that, if the US government...


JURIST Guest Columnists Lawrence Friedman and Victor Hansen of New England School of Law say that Barack Obama's recent executive orders directing the closure of Guantanamo and the CIA prisons suggest that he has a different and more limited view...


JURIST Contributing Editor Mary Ellen O'Connell of Notre Dame Law School says that while President Barack Obama's initial executive orders are encouraging signs of renewed American respect for international law, robust American recommitment to that seems unlikely in the next...


JURIST Contributing Editor Jordan Paust of the University of Houston Law Center says that President Barack Obama should follow up his executive order banning torture and inhumane interrogation by fulfilling treaty-based and customary international legal obligations to either initiate prosecution...