Search Results for: abortion US

Argentina’s president announced Tuesday that he would be presenting two bills to the legislature regarding women’s right to comprehensive health care, including the legalization of abortion. In his statement, Alberto Fernandez noted that “the criminalization of abortion has been of no use,” only driving women who seek abortions to illegal providers. He cited statistics that [...]


Colorado and Louisiana voters had the opportunity to weigh in on state ballot measures on Tuesday that could restrict abortion rights. While Colorado voters rejected their state’s proposed 22-week ban, Louisiana voters approved an amendment to their state’s constitution that limits the right to an abortion. Colorado’s measure, Proposition 115, would have banned abortion in [...]


The US Senate on Monday voted 52-48 to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court. The vote was largely along party lines, with Barrett receiving votes from every Republican Senator except Susan Collins of Maine. This confirmation comes just over a week before Election Day and only 30 days after Barrett was [...]


Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation would not have happened if more than two Republican Senators had earlier stood up against the rush to confirm a new Supreme Court justice in the blazing heat of a highly contentious election and in a climate suggesting the basest of partisan motivations. Had Republican Senate ranks contained more true [...]


The Constitutional Court of Poland barred abortion due to fetal defects in a controversial decision handed down Thursday. The court held that termination of pregnancy in that circumstance had no constitutional justification and it violated the constitutionally guaranteed right to life. The court stated in a pre-judgment press release that The unborn child, as a [...]


On Thursday the United States and the governments of Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia, and Uganda co-sponsored the so-called Geneva Consensus Declaration urging member states to achieve (1) better health for women, (2) the preservation of human life, (3) the strengthening of family as the foundational unit of society, and (4) the protection of every nation [...]


A federal judge on Wednesday struck down a 2015 Tennessee law that required women seeking an abortion to wait for at least 48 hours before undergoing the procedure. This law, Tenn. Code § 39-15-202, effectively required women to make two trips to the clinic: the first one for in-person counseling with the doctor, and the second one—taking place at least 48 [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on Tuesday struck down Texas Senate Bill 8, a statute that sought to impose additional burdens on women seeking a common second-trimester abortion procedure, effectively banning it. Further, the bill required that fetal tissue be disposed of only through burial or cremation, prohibiting donation. The bill [...]