Search Results for: manning

A man was stoned to death Monday in northwest Nigeria after being accused of blasphemy, raising concerns about escalating threats to religious freedom in the region. Local authorities confirmed the incident with a statement on Sunday, saying: On 25th June 2023 at about 0955hrs, a distress call was received at about 0920hrs that one Usman [...]


Pakistan’s transgender community finds itself embroiled in an ongoing struggle for inclusion, facing a recent setback with a verdict from the Federal Shariat Court (FSC). Transgender activists in Pakistan have appealed the judgement of the Federal Shariat Court (“FSC”), which adjudicates based on the tenets of Islam, to the Supreme Court (“SC”). As many as [...]


JURIST staffer Pitasanna Shanmugathas attended the rally described in this dispatch. On Saturday, over 100 individuals assembled in Portland, Maine, to show their solidarity with the rights of migrant workers. The Milk with Dignity campaign, advocating for farm workers in New England, called upon Hannaford Supermarkets, an American retail chain, to take action. The objective [...]


The US Supreme Court ruled Friday in US v. Hansen that 8 U.S.C. §1324(a)(1)(A)(iv), a federal law that criminalizes the encouragement of illegal immigration, does not violate the First Amendment of the US Constitution. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, writing for the majority, criticized the lower court ruling, which called the law “overbroad,” saying: Properly interpreted, [...]


Following global practice — including that of the U.S. military justice system — the Pakistan Army Act builds on maintaining good order and discipline among service members, as no military can effectively function without strict discipline. The court-martial, that is, trial by military officers of breaches of service-connected discipline, including crimes, sits at the heart [...]


According to a UN Development Program (UNDP) report released on Monday, the level of bias against women remains unchanged over the last decade. According to the Gender Social Norms Index (GSNI) survey, nine out of ten persons have prejudices towards women. In countries with lower and higher economic, health and social disparity scores, these biases [...]


Canada Supreme Court Justice Russell Brown announced his immediate retirement Monday, halting the ongoing misconduct probe which has kept Brown off the bench since February. The probe, conducted by the Canadian Judicial Council (CJC), stemmed from an alcohol-fueled altercation at an Arizona resort in late January. During the altercation, Brown was physically assaulted by another [...]


Vladimir Putin’s multiple crimes against Ukraine include aggression and genocide. But what happens when these two categories of criminality come together? Among other things, this result is not “merely” additive; it is also synergistic. Hence, the cumulative Russian wrongdoing is actually greater than the calculable sum of its component “parts.” What pertinent connections ought to [...]